
What Happens to a Timeshare in a Divorce?

Marital property, which is defined as the assets and liabilities acquired during a marriage, are subject to Florida’s property division rules. Florida is an equitable distribution state, meaning the property is divide...

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What if I Fail to Pay Court Ordered Child Support?

Child support are payments the court orders that the noncustodial parent pays. The money is then assigned to assist the custodial parent with the costs of bringing up the child. If a noncustodial parent neglects or fa...

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The Law on Recording Your Spouse During Divorce

During divorce, it is not uncommon for some spouses to act civil and polite every time they are in front of a Judge. Once they leave the courtroom though, they then act irrationally, sometimes yelling at their spouse...

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My Ex Isn’t Following Custody Orders – What Can I Do?

This isn’t an uncommon issue, unfortunately. One of the biggest issues that Florida courts see is disputes regarding time sharing. Some of the most common issues that arise when it comes to child custody include the f...

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Is Your Marriage Toxic? Here Are Three Signs

Toxic marriages are extremely difficult for the victim. Not only are victims treated unfairly and sometimes cruelly, but it is also not always so easy to identify when a marriage has become toxic. Toxic behavior in a...

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How to File for Divorce in Florida

The process of filing for a divorce in Florida begins with a petition of dissolution and may involve various forms of dispute resolution, a discovery process, and a trial. If you have children, a joint business, or a...

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How To Divide Rental Property During Divorce

It is not uncommon for couples to have rental property that provides a stable source of income while they are married. In the event of divorce though, there are many different issues that come up surrounding rental pr...

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4 Reasons to Establish Paternity of Your Child

When two people are married and they have a child together, it is presumed that the husband and wife are both the biological parents of the child. Unwed parents that have a child together are not given the same presum...

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Factors to Consider in a Gray Divorce

There is a current trend of gray divorces, or divorces that involve older individuals. These divorces are just as difficult as any other, but they also have certain complications that divorce cases involving younger p...

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Are Stepparents Granted Visitation Rights in Florida?

Blended families are a beautiful thing, and are beneficial for the entire family unit. Many stepparents develop close loving bonds with their stepchildren, and some are even more involved in their lives than one of th...

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